Holla Fellas!
I am Ferdy Lim
Frontend Developer | React DeveloperI've been a Frontend Engineer for two years, working with technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, and React Native. I've also used frameworks such as Next.js, React Hook Form, React Query, and Expo. During my journey to earn a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, I joined the Mikroskil Programming Club from 2020 to 2023. My friends and I participated in programming competitions like ICPC, INC, Gemastik, and Ideafuse in Indonesia. I'm proud to say that I finished with a GPA of 3.72, reflecting my dedication to both academics and practical programming skills.
Every new experience brings its own maturity and a greater clarity of vision-Indira Gandhi
Frontend Engineer
July 13, 2022 - Now
1. Collaborated on building numerous applications using Next.js, React Query, and React Hook Form. 2. Developed offline-first applications with Next.js and next-pwa, ensuring robust functionality even without internet connectivity. 3. Enhanced web performance by implementing advanced cache control strategies in Next.js, optimizing load times and user experience. 4. Resolved re-rendering issues and improved performance through the implementation of react-freeze. 5. Implemented a bridge and stack navigation behavior for seamless integration of web apps into WebView in React Native. 6. Created an automated model generator script to assist the frontend team in rewriting API response models. 7. Developed an automated version bump generator script to streamline versioning for the frontend team in Expo. 8. Created an automated enum gatherer script to synchronize enums between the frontend and backend teams.
Dicoding Indonesia
Facilitator React Fundamental
October 1, 2022 - December 30, 2022
1. Managed and monitored 25 scholarship participants, with 23 successfully completing their learning goals. 2. Taught React best practices, focusing on clean code principles. 3. Facilitated discussions for participants to share research and ask questions, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Mikroskil Programming Club (MPC)
November 1, 2021 - November 30, 2023
Learn problem-solving with Python and took part in coding contests like INC 2020, Gemasik 2020, and Ideafuse 2020.
Keluarga Mahasiwa Buddhis (KMB - Mikroskil)
Vice President
January 1, 2020 - May 1, 2021
KMB (Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis) is a non-profit organization that aims to help with their events, especially those related to Buddhism. And also supported crowdfunding efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic to assist people in need of help or food.
Learning is treasure that will follow its owner everywhere-Sanctuary of Truth 7 Pillars